Workshop on Primary and Secondary Data Analysis

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce (M.Com) organized a workshop on ‘Primary and Secondary Data Analysis’ for the M.Com Part-II students to assist them with the data analysis for their dissertation on 14th May  to 3rd June 2022  from  9:00am to 1:00 pm in Skill Development Centre. Following were the Resource Persons for the Workshop.

1) Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar, Assistant Professor in Economics, Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College and Research Centre.

2) Dr. Kaustubh Kamat, Assistant director, Directorate of Higher Education, Goa

3) Dr. Maithili Naik, Assistant Professor in Commerce, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics.

Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar engaged the first session for the Workshop in online mode. The topics covered by him were data analysis and uses of statistical tools and technique, certain basic concepts like skewness, kurtosis and its types, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, use and application of regression and correlation analysis etc.

For the second session, Mr. Kumar further elaborated on the methods of data analysis available for a researcher and its scope, giving practical examples.  He also explained the different ways of data tabulation, discussed the time series graphs, descriptive /summary statistics and introduced them to T-test and hypothesis testing using Gretl software. Students also learnt how to enter data and interpret results using Gretl software.

Dr. Kaustubh Kamat was the second Speaker for the workshop. In his first session he covered the importance of a normality in data, testing of normality using visual and statistical methods. He also spoke at length about parametric and non-parametric tests. Use of independent t-test, ANOVA and correlation was also covered.

In his second session, Mr. Kamat covered correlation and regression analysis in depth along with identifying type-I and type-II errors. He then went on to explain how the dependent and independent variable helps to identify the techniques to be used and the interpretation of the p-value for each test.

Dr. Maithili Naik, was the Speaker for the day 4, her session was based on secondary data analysis using E-views software. She explained the concept of moving averages and the models used to test it like AR Model, Moving average model, ARMA and ARIMA model. Dr. Naik also explained the Vector Auto Regression model (VAR) used for multiple variables. The students were taught to analyze Impulse response and Variance Decomposition Analysis along with Granger Casuality test and Spurrious Regression for non-stationary data sets especially for data related to stock market and Johansen’s cointegration test.

Overall the session was very informative and beneficial. The workshop helped the students in increasing their knowledge and understanding of research methodology and to apply the data analysis techniques in their dissertations.
