Workshop on Kitchen Gardening

The Green club (Vasundhara) of the College organized a Workshop on Kitchen gardening on 22nd August 2023. The primary aim of this workshop was to raise awareness among students about the significance of cultivating our own food organically and to provide a platform for them to grasp the fundamentals of Kitchen Gardening.

The Resource Person for the workshop was Ms. Liza Pinheiro, an Agriculture Consultant and Promoter of Organic Agriculture in Goa. She highlighted the importance of Kitchen gardening, particularly in urban city life where maintaining a vegetable garden within an apartment can be challenging. Ms. Pinheiro emphasized that the concept of kitchen gardens is gaining traction in India, especially among apartment dwellers who aspire to grow their own vegetables. Consequently, the trend of cultivating vegetables in pots is on the rise. In line with this, participants were taught how to grow vegetables in pots. The students brought pots and soil, and a hands-on training session was conducted. Ms. Pinheiro also provided insights into preparing a mixture of soil, cocopeat, and compost, filling pots, and proper watering techniques.

The workshop included both theoretical and practical sessions. The theoretical session took place in the Smart Classroom, while the practical session was held in the open space near the Canteen. 35 students enthusiastically took part in the workshop, actively engaging in the learning experience.
