Workshop in ‘Research in Big Data and Space Exploration’

Ms. Akshada Hegde, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science was deputed to attend a one-day workshop at Don Bosco College of Engineering, Margao on September 19th. The topic for the workshop was ‘Research in Big Data and Space Exploration’. The Resource person for the event was Dr. Vithal Tilvi, a NASA scientist of Goan origin.

Dr. Tilvi spoke on general research techniques, inter-disciplinary big data sciences and technology for future space colonization. He also gave a glimpse into life and working of Astronomers and Space Researchers and gave participants an insight into ISRO’s recently launched Chandrayaan II mission. He cited that “Research is the need of the hour and Teaching is incomplete without research” and motivated Assistant Professors to dedicate  more time to research activities.

It was a highly beneficial and enriching experience.
