Women’s Health & Hygiene

The Women’s Cell of the College in association with the Indian Medical Association organized a session on “Women’s Health & Hygiene” for the female students of the College on 4th September 2023 in Hall No. 2. The objective of the session was to raise awareness, educate and promote the well-being of women by addressing various aspects of their physical health as well as personal hygiene. 87 students attended the session. The Resource Person for the session was Dr. Samiksha Varun Kudchadkar (Obstetrician & Gynecologist).

Ms. Steral Fernandes, a FYBBA(FS) student was the compere of this session. Ms. Ayesha Rafiq, a student of FYBBA introduced the Resource Person.

The Resource Person discussed about proper menstrual hygiene practices including the use of sanitary products, disposal methods and myths and taboos related to menstruation. She provided in depth information about PCOD & PCOS, its symptoms, treatment, its effect on reproductive health and diet to be followed to overcome these conditions. She also informed the students about the importance of reproductive health, prevention, transmission and treatment of STI’s and various contraceptive methods.

The Resource Person enthusiastically responded to numerous questions posed by the students. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Akshada Salkar, a SYBBA student. Overall, the session was highly informative and impactful.
