“Why Self Awareness and Empathy are Important at Workplace”

The FY Certificate Course Committee organized a session on the topic “Why Self Awareness and Empathy are Important at Workplace” as a part of the Certificate Course in 21stCentury Life Skills for the students of FY BBA(FS) and BBA on 6th January 2023 from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. The Resource Person was Ms. Amba Prabhu, Psychotherapist and Counselor.

A student of FY BBA(FS)-A, Bhavan Mathamani introduced the Resource Person. Ms. Amba began the session by screening a short animated film, about how your small everyday life choices can ultimately shape your life. She explained the importance of self-awareness with the help of examples and how practicing self-awareness enables students to manage and express their emotions, feel empathy towards others, and cope with stress effectively.

The speakers at the end of the session addressed the queries raised by the students. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. The session ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Chris Cardozo, a student of FY BBA(FS)-A. 26 students attended the program and Ms. Vinaya Kirloskar, Assistant Professor in Commerce was the teacher in-charge.
