West Zone NSS Pre – Republic Day Parade Camp 2021

Ms. Parmesh Chauhan, NSS volunteer of the College attended 10 days West Zone Pre- Republic Day Parade camp 2021 from12th October – 22nd October 2021. This camp was  organized by Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhary University (KBCU) , Jalgaon, Maharashtra .The main objective of the camp was to train the volunteers to present themselves in a better way and constitute the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood and communal harmony.

It was really a great experience of meeting new people and learning their culture and traditions.  Republic day Parade camps have proved to be a boon for the personality development of youth of the country.  It provides ample opportunities to the NSS Volunteers not only to interact among themselves but also to get acquainted with different tradition, custom, culture and language. The camp was well organized by KBCU, Jalgaon – Maharashtra.

The camp had a schedule which included morning yoga and exercise, parade practice, personal time, educational sessions, and a cultural program of 45 minutes. Around 200 volunteers from Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Goa participated in this camp. Out of 200 volunteers, only 40 were selected to participate at Republic Day Parade Camp 2022 at Delhi.

Ms. Parmesh has expressed that, this camp has helped her to learn group living, attain leadership qualities, improve communication skills and develop a healthy lifestyle.
