Webinar on the topic “NEP 2020: Provisions and Implications”

The College IQAC, in collaboration with CII Goa Chapter, organized a Webinar on the topic “NEP 2020: Provisions and Implications” on 27th October, 2020 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. using Google Meet Platform. The Resource Persons for the Webinar were Mr. Lalit Saraswat, CEO, Sancoale Technologies and Mr. Deepak Khaitan, Founder & Director, Sunshine Worldwide School, Goa. The Webinar was targeted at all stakeholders – students, parents, teachers, employers, etc. and attracted 246 participants from all these segments.

Mr. Saraswat began the session with a quote that “Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest”. He spoke about NEP 2020 being a major transformational reform in the education sector aimed at achieving 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio in school education by 2030. Bridging the social gap, ensuring widespread access and participation, and emphasis on learning outcomes are the major goals of NEP 2020. He also mentioned that a significant component of the NEP is the National Mission on Mentoring; making quality mentors available pan India will be a great boon to students who currently do not have access to such a privilege.

Mr. Saraswat also opined that Internalization of education is a parameter where Shree Damodar College can play a major role. He said that it is important to recognize that the world is flat and that globalization is here to stay; talent should be able to travel anywhere around the world easily. He concluded by saying that the College has to foster the culture of lifelong learning and take NEP as the guideline to make youth of today more employable – there is a great choice of careers available today and graduates should be equipped to take advantage of this.

Mr. Khaitan began the second session by saying that NEP 2020 has changed the whole school structure and curriculum. The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) aims to attain optimal outcomes in the domains of physical and motor development, cognitive development, social, emotional, ethical development, cultural development and development of communication and early language, literacy and numeracy. These are in line with the skills recognized by the World Economic Forum as essential workforce skills required by 2030.

Replying to the question asked by the audience on whether schooling in one’s Mother tongue is a good proposition, he said that people should first learn to listen and speak rather than read and write. Any language can be best learnt at a very young age. He concluded the session by saying that “One size fits all” cannot be applied in education.

The Webinar was very interesting and interactive, and received excellent feedback. Ms. Samiksha Vengurlerkar, Assistant Professor, compered the Webinar. Dr. Shami Pai IQAC Coordinator proposed the Vote of Thanks.
