Webinar on “Swachh Campus and Water Management”

The NSS Unit organized a Webinar on “Swachh Campus and Water Management” for NSS volunteers on 25th June, 2020 from 11:00 am to 12.30 pm on the Google Meet platform. The Resource Person for the Webinar was Ms. Apoorva Apte, Propretor, Shubhankar Environmental Services, Goa.

NSS Programme Officer Mr. Ainsley Bernard was the compere for the webinar. Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya welcomed the participants and gave a brief overview of the webinar. NSS Programme Cordinator Ms. Sharmila Kunde briefed the NSS Volunteers about the Swachta Action Plan to be conducted as part of NSS activities. Dr. Prachi Kolamkar introduced the Resource Person, Ms. Apoorva Apte.

The Resource Person spoke about waste generation and ways to manage it so as to reduce its impact on ecology. She spoke at length on various methods of waste segregation and disposal. She also briefed the students on the need to avoid water wastage and methods of water management and addressed the questions raised by the participants at the end of the session.

The webinar ended with Mr. Shrikant Madar proposing the Vote of Thanks. A total of 65 students attended the Webinar.
