Webinar on Report on “Learning Music Online”

Pic 1 (2)The Performing Arts Club organized a webinar “Learning Music Online” for interested students of the College on 3rd November 2020. The Resource person for the webinar was Mr. Aniket Daddikar – an alumnus and winner of the Best Singer Award during the years he was a student.

The webinar commenced with the welcome address delivered by Vice-Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva. After the welcome address, Ms. Preksha Chopdekar, the Convener of the Cultural Council, briefed the students about the Council and its activities. Assistant Professor Muktali Cuncoliencar introduced the Resource Person.

Mr. Aniket started the session by describing the concept of music. In his session, he spoke about the various genres and ragas of music. Mr. Aniket threw light on Indian and Western forms of music and the various Indian and Western instruments used in the field of singing. Through a PowerPoint presentation, he displayed the different types of instruments and also played some of the instruments live. On the request of the participants, Mr. Aniket sang a melodious song, which received overwhelming applause from the participants.

The session was followed by a Q&A round, which was coordinated by Assistant Professor, Ms. Sparsha Mandreker. 43 students attended and enjoyed the Webinar. Certificates were issued to students on filling up the feedback form. Webinar Coordinator Ms. Muktali Cuncoilencar, compered the session & Assistant Professor Mr. Mayuresh Adsul, proposed the vote of thanks. The entire session was very interactive and received great response from our young students.
