Ms. Priyanka Row’s session focused on how to uncover your hidden achiever by learning (a) Top 5 mindset challenges in CRISIS TIMES! (b) How to reprogram your mind, on YOUR OWN! (c) 5 mental command to reprogram, starting TODAY! (d) Take control and act decisively.
To address the above Ms. Row spoke on the different types of fears that individuals face, especially in times of crisis and how breaking away from our comfort zone would be the key to this challenge. She emphasized the importance of the sub-conscious mind, which sponsors our thoughts and how we can make shifts with mental commands to ourselves and control the situation. She brought to light several sentiments like “I feel like a failure, my self-esteem is low, self-belief is low, my comfort-zone traps me, I am bored, I don’t love myself…”, and questions that we often pose to ourselves like, “Can I do it? Am I worthy enough? Am I capable enough?…” that often control and trap our mindset and how we can overpower it by releasing negative energy and emotions that we come across. She highlighted the Top 5 mindset challenges in times of crisis viz. (i) Anxiety and stress (ii) Fear of failure (iii) Stuck and lost (iv) Over thinking (v) Fear of public speaking and how we can self-master it with our own minds by precise mental programming and rewiring our minds. She also stressed on how the Law of Attraction works: attracting what we believe and hence, it is very essential to believe in what we do. She highlighted the difference between the conscious and the subconscious mind (duality of mind), and how imperative it is to change our mindset. She further focused on how to reprogram our mind through the (i) Power of ‘I AM’ (ii) Drop the coal (especially of over thinking) (iii) Do it right away – if it takes 2 minutes or less (iv) Do not procrastinate – Most successful people do what they hate and they do it first (v) Money is Energy – focus on your money EQ, do not spend money, circulate energy.
She finally summed up by emphasizing on shifting our negative belief systems into positive and constructive ones.
Ms. Row very skilfully addressed the questions posed to her at the end of her session.
72 participants virtually attended the webinar through the Zoom channel.
Dr. Maithili Naik, Assistant Professor in Commerce and Convenor of the Placement Cell of the College, proposed the vote of thanks.
The entire session by Ms. Row was very informative and interactive, providing immense practical insights into various techniques on mastery of the human mind.