The Resource Person for the first session was Dr. Nitish Kerkar, an Occupational Health Consultant and a Wellness Trainer. Dr. Kerkar spoke in detail about the origin of the pandemic and how it has affected the world. He portrayed the overall challenges that we face due to this pandemic and the opportunities involved therein. He enlightened the gathering on issues such as the symptoms of COVID-19, the risk factors involved, effects of lockdowns, testing, treatment, quarantine, containment zones, etc. He stressed on the precautions one has to take in these times as the virus is spreading very rapidly. He strongly recommended social distancing, washing hands, cleansing and disinfecting frequently, as means by which we can keep the virus away. The session was truly edifying and justly kept up to the theme of the webinar.
The Resource Person for the second session was Dr. Leo D’Mello, a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, NLP Practitioner, Business Consultant and a Wellness Coach. He emphasized the importance of staying positive during these trying times. He spoke on how addicted we are to our digital devices and how being creative can enhance our brain and boost our creativity. He highlighted the significance of being alive and how we should feel grateful for the same. Dr. D’Mello concluded his session with a video depicting positivity.
The sessions were followed by a Q&A round, which was moderated by Mr. Shrikant Madar of the Department of Economics & Banking. Both sessions were extremely enlightening, engaging and informative. The feedback from the virtual participants also was overwhelming. A total of 161 participants participated for the webinar on Google Meet and on the College YouTube Channel.
The webinar ended at 1:00 p.m. with the Vote of Thanks delivered by the Head of the Department of Economics & Banking, Dr. Lira M. Gama.