Webinar on ‘Cancer Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle’

The Counselling Cell in association with Sanjeevani: Life Beyond Cancer, organised an Online webinar on Cancer Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle on 15th December, 2020 from 12:00 to 1:20 p.m through the Zoom Meeting app.

Vice-Principal Dr. Rodney D’Silva welcomed the gathering. Before beginning the session, the Sanjeevani team streamed a small video on Cancer and how it has affected the lives of millions of people. The Resource Person, Ms. Sayanika Deka, gave a brief summary of what the organisation does, what are the activities it conducts and how one can get in touch with them.

The Resource Person with the help of a presentation, shed light on what cancer is and how it can affect an individual. She spoke in detail about the risk factors of cancer, different types of cancer and how it can be treated. She gave us an insight on how we can prevent cancer. She also focused on how as individuals, we can help people fight this deadly disease.

At the end of the session a quiz was put up for the participants. Ms. Senelda Lopes, student of SYBCom proposed the Vote of Thanks. The webinar ended at 1:20 p.m.
