Wealth Awareness Webinar on Financial Wellness Enhancement

The Career Cell of the College organized a Wealth Awareness Program for the students of the college via online mode through Zoom platform on 13th March 2023. This programme was powered by SEBI, AMFI and UTI. 45 students attended.

Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Convenor of Career Cell welcomed the participants for the session. Ms. Prerna Savordekar, student of FY B.Com-C introduced the Resource Person, Mr. Krishnan Iyer.

The main objective behind organising the session was to help the students set a goal of financial management, understand retirement planning and discipline planning.  Mr. Iyer began the session by explaining the concept of investment and the importance of investment at young age. Mr. Iyer also discussed various investment avenues and benefits of investing in these options.  He discussed the risk and return profile of various investment alternatives and emphasized on investing in Mutual Funds through Systematic Investment Plan. He also discussed various steps to be undertaken by the students for taking control of their financial future.

Towards the end of the session, Mr. Krishnan Iyer addressed the queries raised by the students. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar proposed the Vote of Thanks for the session.
