Visit to GogateJoglekar College, Ratnagiri

IQAC Coordinator Dr. Shami Pai and five IQAC members, Dr. Edwin Barreto, Dr. Lira Gama, Dr.B.P. Sarath Chandran, Mrs. Sharmila Kunde and Mrs. Manasi Rege visited Gogate Joglekar College, Ratnagiri on 14th October, 2019. Gogate Joglekar College has earned an A Grade in their recent NAAC cycle.

The main objectives of the visit were to learn about

  • NAAC documentation process.
  • innovative practices followed by the institution
  • initiatives taken if any
  • data compilation and presentation
  • best practices
  • strategies to prepare for the upcoming NAAC visit

Valuable inputs were gathered over the two days.Vice-Principal Dr Yasmin Awote shared the experience they had with the NAAC Peer Team. She said that data validation and authentication is very important in this new framework of accreditation and hence the institution has to be very careful while compiling the data.The role of IQAC has to be highlighted in every activity conducted.Documents have to have IQAC Stamp with the signature of the IQAC Coordinator and the Principal of the College. An elucidation in the form of presentation prepared for NAAC Peer Team was also given.She suggested that outcomes of every activity or event conducted by the College should be highlighted. The focus should be on the progress made by the institution from the third cycle till the fourth cycle. She revealed that they organise maximum number of activities in collaboration with external agencies, and this was much appreciated by the team. Students’ diversity is also prioritised right from the beginning. Valuable inputs were also taken from the Principal Dr Kishore Sukhtankar. The IQAC Coordinator, Dr Sapre, informed about their Reporting Desk created for data entry and validation of the data. The Librarian, Mrs Manasi visited the Library and collected inputs and noted down facilities and services which could be adopted in our College. Overall, this visit was very fruitful and helped gain clarity on planning and preparations for the upcoming NAAC visit.
