Virtual Leadership Training Program – “LEARN TO LEAD”

The Students Council organised a Virtual Leadership Training Program – “LEARN TO LEAD” by the Mumbai-based Forum of Free Enterprise on 7th& 8th August, 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm & 2:30 to 4:30 pm. The session was conducted on the Zoom platform. The Resource Persons were Mr. Sachin Kamath and Mrs. Clarissa Jathanna.

Mr. Sachin Kamath conducted the session on Day One, where he laid stress on goal setting and steps to be taken to achieve the set goals. He also discussed the importance of time management. The afternoon session was about various important skills required in a competitive world to be the best amongst the rest.

Mrs. Clarissa Jathanna was the speaker for Day Two. She focused on the power of good habits and the value of punctuality and good manners. She emphasized the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and helping others through motivation. Further, she spoke about how one can change his/her life completely with a change in habits.  The session ended with a Q&A round. The students gained several valuable inputs and learnt how to be focused in life by ignoring negative and unproductive thoughts. 65 students from all the 4Undergraduate programmes attended the sessions. The feedback from students was very encouraging.
