Using emSigner for Office Automation’ for Non-Teaching staff

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an orientation on ‘Using emSigner for Office Automation’ for Non-Teaching staff of VVM’s Ramacrishna Madeva Salgaoncar Higher Secondary School and VVM’s Vidya Vikas Academy on 30th October 2021 and VVM’s Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law on 3rd November 2021 from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. The sessions were held in Lab 3.

Ms Shami Pai, IQAC coordinator welcomed the staff members and the Resource Person Ms. Pradnya Nadkarni.

Ms Nadkarni informed that ‘emSigner – Paperless Office Solution’ is a leading electronic signature based automated document signing and approval workflow solution. She explained that digitally signing documents using emSigner will reduce the workload of the Office. Currently the practice is to print notices, certificates, etc. With emSigner, the soft copy of the document is digitally signed and uploaded – there is no printing and scanning needed.

Ms. Nadkarni demonstrated the process of using emSigner i.e. uploading documents, creating workflow, adding Adhoc Users, bulking signing documents digitally, etc.33 non-teaching staff members attended the orientation session.
