Unity Chain @ShreeDamodar

The NSS Unit organised Unity Chain at the College on 31st October, 2022 from 11:30 am onwards in the College Campus. The significant aspect of the activity was that every individual from the College viz. Principal, teachers, students, non-teaching staff, MTS staff and guards participated in the activity. The splendid show of everyone holding hands to portray the strength and unity of the College was captured by a drone. The Chain started at the College main entrance and wound around the circumference of the College building; the second shot was taken from inside of the building where everyone had lined up holding hands in the quadrangle and in the corridors of each floor. Lastly an aerial view of the College staff who had formed a circle was beautifully captured outdoors.

This magnificent event in the College was also covered by the Local new channel – Prudent Media. The activity was coordinated by NSS POs Mr. Gajanan Haldankar. Ms. Samiksha Vengurlekar and Mr. Sanjay Velip.
