Understanding Humanitarianism

The FY Certificate Course Committee organized a session on “Understanding Humanitarianism” as a part of the Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY BBA(FS) and FY BBA on 3rd March 2023. The Resource Person was Ms. Eshani Bakhle, College Counselor. The objective of the session was to make the students understand the principles of humanitarianism so that they become more compassionate and empathetic towards others. 20 students attended the session.

Mr. Chris Cardozo, a student from FY BBA(FS) welcomed and introduced the Resource Person to the audiences. The speaker began the session with an introduction to the concepts of humanitarianism and humanity. She explained the four guiding principles of humanitarian work: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. The speaker furthermore clarified the distinction between philanthropists and humanitarians. The Resource Person also discussed the importance of digital humanitarianism in today’s world. She gave details on a range of occupations in the humanitarian sector, including social worker, foreign aid worker, data analyst, human resource specialist etc. The students were informed how they can provide the humanitarian aid to people in need by volunteering for various NGOs. The session was interactive, with students participating actively in the discussion.

At the end of the session, the speaker addressed the queries raised by the students. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Akshada Salkar, a student of FY BBA(FS). Ms. Vinaya Kirloskar, Assistant Professor in Commerce was the teacher in charge of the session.
