TY Farewell Function

The Students’ Council organized the Farewell function on 31st May 2022 from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm in the College Multipurpose Hall for the final year students of B.Com, BBA (FS), BCA and B.Voc (ST) programmes.

The day began with a photograph session for the Teaching and Non-teaching staff. Class wise photographs were also taken of students with their respective teachers. Students and teachers were issued stoles which were worn during the class wise photo session. The colour of the stoles represented their respective programme.

The students and teachers subsequently proceeded to the Multipurpose Hall for the formal function. The function commenced with a short prayer service wherein faculty members, Dr. Maithili Naik, Dr. Sheetal Arondekar, Ms. Swati Bhat, and Ms. Sushrusha Naik sang an invocation song to which Ms. Rama Borkar, performed a prayer dance. This was followed by a Prayer recited by the Convenor of the Students’ Council; Dr. Lira M. Gama, during which all teachers were requested to raise their right hands over the students present, as a sign of blessings over them.

The first- and second-year students presented a farewell programme for the TY students which included items such as solo and group dances, singing, skit, etc.The programme also included a variety of games and spot prizes. Three students representing each program individually shared their experiences and expressed their sentiments of deep love and gratitude towards the institution and their teachers for constantly motivating and guiding them during these three years.

The faculty comprising Dr. Maithili Naik, Dr. Sheetal Arondekar, Ms. Lizette D’Costa, Ms. Sushrusha Naik, Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Ms. Meher Rodrigues and Ms. Kalpana Parab on behalf of all the teachers harmoniously sang a farewell medley, wishing the TY students adieu and good luck for their future endeavors.

Lastly, a farewell video was compiled and projected to the audience which captured most of their memories in the college campus which undeniably took them down the memory lane. It also included best wishes from all the teachers to the passing out TY batch.

The comperes for the function were Mr. Soham Gharse, Mr. Advaith Ainapur from FY B.Com and Ms. Dimple Tavde, Ms. Ameisha Azavedo from SY B.Com.
The farewell function ended at 1:30 p.m.
