Training Program for Staff “Physical Activity at Work Place”

The Department of Physical Education & Sports organized a Physical Activity program for staff of the College from 13th to 20th June 2022, from 8:00 to 8.30 am in the Smart Class Room. The program was organize under the theme “Physical Activity at Workplace”.  38 staff members participated in this program on regular basis. The special feature of this 30 minutes program was that it was designed to be performed on the chair in a relaxed position by the individuals and included 20 minutes Dynamic and Static stretching exercises, this was followed by 05 Minutes of breathing exercises and 05 Minutes of Meditation.

The Dynamic and Static Stretching exercises covered all the joints and Muscles. The body part focused in the exercises were Neck, Shoulder, Core, Oblique, Upper and Lower leg etc. The Breathing exercise included Kapalbhati-Shudhi Kriyas and Pranayama-Anulom Vilom. For the meditation the participants were asked to sit in a quiet position with eyes close and were instructed to focus on breathing.

The program was conducted by Mr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, College Director of Physical Education & Sports and Mr. Saurabh Raikar Instructor in Physical Education. Prof Prita Mallya, Principal of the College provided the necessary support in conducting this event.
