‘Time & Priority Management’

The FY Certificate Course Committee organized a session on Time & Priority Management as a part of the Certificate Course in 21st century Life Skills for the students of FY B.Com and FY BBA (FS) on 24th March 2023, 3:00pm to 4:00pm. The Resource Person was Mr. Adrian Torres, Marketing Manager, The Navhind Times.

The Resource Person started the session with an activity demonstrating priorities in life and the students were asked to list down their priorities in life assuming they were going to live for just 3 days. Mr. Adrian highlighted the significance of Time Management and also briefed them about the problems of failing to manage time through a poem “The Value of Time”. To conclude, he discussed 24-time management tricks with the students.

Ms. Oswy, student of FY B.Com introduced the Resource Person and Ms. Samiksha Manolkar student of FY B.Com proposed the Vote of Thanks. The session was attended by 75 B.Com and BBA(FS) students. The session was arranged and coordinated by Ms. Marjina Shaikh.
