TechTrendz Activity – The Artsy Lens

The Multimedia Group of TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized a photography competition;The Artsy Lens. This competition was kept open for students of the Computer Science department. The members of the organizing team were Mr. Shahid Shaikh and Ms. Purva Kamat, both students are from FYB.Voc(ST). The Poster was designed by Mr. Prithvi Shirodkar from TY BCA-B.

The participants had to capture photographs considering the theme of “Hope”. The competition was kept open from 08th October 2022 to 13th October 2022. The participants could capture any object, animal, nature, scene etc. depicting the theme. The participants had to upload both raw and edited versions of their photographs. The responses were collected through a Google form. The judging criteria were creativity, clarity of expression, overall artistic impression and composition, clarity and quality of submission and technical excellence, exposure and focus. A total of 15 students from BCA and B.Voc(ST) programmes participated in this competition. The judge forthis competition was Mr. Sandesh Gaundalkar, Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department.

The First place was bagged by Ms. Roshan Dalayat from FY BCA-B, second place was won by Ms. Seedhi Rane from SY BCA-A and the Third place was bagged by Mr. Vyble De Souza from SY BCA-A.

The students of the organizing team were guided by Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair, TechTrendz Coordinator and Ms. Annette Santimano, Event Coordinator for the Multimedia group. Head of the Computer Science Department Mr. Sumit Kumar provided the necessary guidance for the event.
