TechTrendz Activity – Rock ‘n’ Reel

The Multimedia Group of TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized a reel-making competition Rock ‘n’ Reel for the students. This competition was kept open for all the students of the College. The members of the organizing team were Ms. Larissa Sequeira and Ms. Clancy Fernandes, both from TY BCA-B. The Poster was designed by Mr. Prithvi Shirodkar from TY BCA-B.

This competition was to make a reel showcasing the students’ talent. The competition was kept open from 24th September 2022 to 2nd October 2022. The participants had to form a team with minimum of 1 member and a maximum of 3 members. The participants were instructed to record a small video of 60 seconds showcasing their creativity and talent in any areas of their interest such as dancing, singing, painting, acting etc. The responses were collected through Google form. The judging was based on creativity, talent, editing effects and the number of likes on social media. A total of 17 students from BCA, B.Voc(ST) and B.Com programmes participated in this competition. The First place was bagged by Mr. Darren Dias from TY BCA-A, second place was shared by Mr. Ayush Kale from TY BCA-B and Ms. Avani Naik from TY B.Com-B and the third place was shared by Mr. Shawn Baretto from TY BCA-A and Mr. Ankit Kumar Pathal from FY B.Com-B

The students of the organizing team were guided by Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair, TechTrendz Coordinator and Ms. Apurva GaunsDessai, Event Coordinator for the Multimedia group. The event received valuable suggestions from the Head of the Computer Science Department, Mr. Sumit Kumar.
