TechTrendz Activity – Let’s Debate

The Competition had two primary objectives, viz. to enable students to learn the process of event ideation, conceptualization, designing, monitoring and execution, and to have a competition organized by and for students.


The students of the Future Technology Team from Group-B organised a ‘Let’s Debate’ competition on 30th August 2019 at 11.30 a.m. The competition was designed, and the topic selected, so as to have a healthy discussion in respect of the pros and cons of future technology and to develop the debating abilities of students.


3 teams participated in this competition, which had 2 rounds. In the first round, the teams were given 10 minutes time to ink their points in favour of and against the topic ‘Technology and Environment can go hand in hand’. Thereafter, they expressed their views by giving suitable arguments.


After the first round, the 2 best teams, namely, Amruth Virdikar (TYBCA) & Vaishnavi Kamthe (FYBCA) and Damodar Naik (SYBCA) & Pratik Joshi (SYBCA) advanced to the second round. The FY BCA team – Mark Fernandes & Baviya Prasad – was eliminated after the first round.


In the second round, the first team expressed their view point in favor of, and the other team expressed their views against, the topic ‘Online learning is better than the classroom learning’.


The competition revealed many aspects of the topics and the thinking process of the competitors. The competition was won by Damodar Naik and Pratik Joshi of SYBCA. The debate was judged by Assistant Professors Mr. Kiran Naik (Environmental Studies) and Mr. Sumit Kumar (Computer Science).


The competition was ably conceptualized, designed, and successfully executed by the team comprising Mr. Rohan Kadangale from TYBCA, and Mr. Ashish Gundapalu and Mr. Prateek Faldessai from FYBCA. The students were guided by Assistant Professor Ms. Madhumeeta Dhar during the conduct of the event. The teachers in charge of the competition were Mr. Sumit Kumar and Ms. Surekha Patil.
