The Department of Computer Science organized “TECH TANK” – a concept similar to the Shark Tank TV Show – on 15th October 2022. This activity was conducted for TYBCA Project groups, wherein students were given an opportunity to pitch their idea to industry mentors.

The Computer Science Chairperson and Industry Mentor Mrs. Ekta Agarwal, Director at SS Technologies along with other Industry Mentors, Mr. Shridatt Zambodkar, Founder & CEO, Intuio Software Labs Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Mohsin Shaikh, Founder and CEO, Haztech provided useful inputs to the students for their projects.

The session commenced by Mrs. Sweta P. Shet Verenkar, Asst. Prof. and Project Coordinator for TYBCA Projects welcoming the Industry Mentors. Each project group had prepared a 3-slide PPT comprising the Project Idea, the Features and the Technology Stack. All 13 Project groups presented their ideas very well and answered questions raised by Industry mentors. As a next step, based on the preferences of the industry mentors, every project group will be allotted an Industry Mentor. This will help students to become industry-ready as they will be working closely with the mentor.

It was a very good learning experience for the Department students and faculty members. The presentations began at 11:15 and ended by 3:30p.m. Mrs. Sweta Verenkar proposed the Vote of Thanks expressing deepest gratitude to all the industry mentors for their time and valuable inputs to the students.
