Talk on Virtualization and Cloud Computing

The BCA/B.Voc Programme Mentoring Council of Shree Damodar College organized a session on Virtualization and Cloud Computing for all teachers of IT/Computer Science of all VVM institutions and interested TY BCA students on 20th August 2019 from 11.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. The objective of the Session was to give faculty members an understanding of the basic concepts, tools, and technologies of Virtualization and Cloud Computing Infrastructure.

Chairperson of the Council, Ms. Ekta Agarwal introduced the resource person Mr. Rajeev Vasudevan, who is Director, IT-Infrastructure of a leading MNC. She informed the audience about the objectives of the session and mentioned the need of cloud environment.

Mr. Rajeev Vasudeven initiated the session by explaining the basic, yet complex terminologies of virtualization and cloud computing in layman terms. He gave the basic insight of Virtualization and Cloud computing including security, networking, storage and other infrastructure requirements. He mentioned about Vmware along with its architecture and Cloud space by Amazon and Azure. The concept of SaaS, PaaS, IaaS models of architecture were explained for cloud infrastructure implantation.

He suggested that teachers obtain certifications like CCNA, AWS, Azure, etc… to enable them to keep pace with changing technology. He also mentioned that basic infrastructure, like network backbone, dual internet line from different service provider for 24X7 connectivity, etc.., should be in place before moving on to the cloud environment. He stressed the importance of training the system administrators and staff as per the requirements of technology.

He expressed his willingness to help in a) setting up the cloud infrastructure for the institution, b) designing and reviewing course curriculum in all possible ways and c) guiding students

The entire session was informative and interactive. There were 26 participants, including teachers and a few TY BCA students. Ms. NamitaNeurenkar proposed the vote of thanks.

Learning to be passed on to students include – the job opportunities available in the future/ cloud based job market and the use of cloud based applications.
