Talk on New Venture Planning

The faculty members from the Department of Commerce, teaching the course on New Venture Planning, organized a talk on the same topic for SY B.Com students on 20th August 2019 from 11.15am to 12.15pm. The resource person for the talk was Mr. Sanjay Navanath Mulvi, Incubation and Seed Fund Manager at CIBA. Assistant Professor Ms. Namrata Haldankar introduced the guest.

The guest commenced the talk by asking the students their goals. He enlightened the students with his vast knowledge of preparing a business model canvas wherein he highlighted the various factors that need to be considered for preparing a business model. He focused on main aspects like market segmentation, value proposition, channels of distribution, Customer relationship, revenue stream, key resources and cost structure.

Finally, students were divided into groups and were asked to prepare business model canvas for SWIGGY. Students got practical exposure on preparing a business model. Faculty members Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar, Ms. Muktali Cuncoliencar, Ms. Namrata Haldankar and Ms. Pooja Shanbhag were present for the talk. 53 students attended the session. Ms. Samrudhi Naik, student of SY B.Com proposed the vote of thanks.
