Talk on Industrial Development of Goa – Past, Present and Future under the Celebration GOA@60 – GOA UTSAV

Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao in association with Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of Goa and Department of Information & Publicity, Govt. of Goa organized a talk on Industrial Development of Goa – Past, Present and Futureas part of the CelebrationGOA@60 – GOA UTSAVon9thDecember 2021. The Resource Person for the session was Mr Blaise Costabir, Managing Director of GMI Zarhak Moulders Pvt. Ltd, Verna. 127 participants attended the session. (83 students and 44 faculty members)

The event began at 10.00 am with the Inaugural program, which consisted of a Welcome Address and brief introduction by the Principal Dr. Prita D Mallya. This was followed by introduction of the Chief Guest Mr Blaise Costabir, by the compere Ms Stesa Pereira.

Mr. Blaise Costabir in his address described the past as the ‘Premier Padmini Era’, the present as having complete customer focus backed by data and the future would have businesses which do not exist today, however, these new businesses will top the charts.

He reiterated the old adage that, “ENTREPRENEURS ARE MADE, NOT BORN” and that risk taking, self-belief, focus, life style change and humility are inherent to entrepreneurship. Mr Costabir gave numerous interesting examples of occurrences from his entrepreneurial journey and concluded by saying that “Entrepreneurship is filled with nail biting excitement, but it is not for the faint hearted”
