Talk on De-addiction and stress Management

IMG-20170710-WA0013The Value Education Cell organised a talk for the students on 10th July 2017 by Dr. Manoj Matnani, associated with the Brahmakumaris organisation. He is an active member of the Medical wing of Raja Yoga Education.

Principal Dr. Prita Mallya welcomed the guest and Ms. Sidhi Parodkar introduced the speaker to the audience.

IMG-20170710-WA0016The theme of the talk was De-addiction & Stress Management. Dr. Manoj Matnani emphasised the need for Meditation and concentration of mind, especially when the younger generation is addicted to their mobile phones – Whatsapp and Facebook. It was an interactive session with live examples.

The students participated and responded well. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Nirmala Gopinathan.
