Swachhata Hi Seva campaign Rally

As a part of the Swacchata Hi Seva campaign under ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and Plastic Free Campaign, the NSS Unit organized a rally on Thursday, September 19th, from 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. The Rally started from the Multipurpose Hall of the College and ended in Khareband area. The objectives of the activity were as follows:

  1. To create awareness on reducing single use plastic
  2. To visit all shops in and around Khareband area to convey the message of segregating dry waste. The shops were asked to keep all their dry waste for collection by NSS volunteers
  3. To learn the segregation process after the collection of dry waste.

61 B.Com students participated in the rally. At the rally, the students shouted slogans such as ‘Ek Do! Ek Do! Plastic KoPhek Do!’, ‘Use paper bags, reduce plastic bags’, etc. and also simultaneously created awareness among all the shopkeepers in the area. Students divided themselves into groups, conducted door-to-door awareness on dry waste segregation, advised the shopkeepers to keep the dry waste and informed them as to the date of collection.

The students then collected this waste on the pre-decided date, and took the same to the Mahila Mandal Office at Comba, where they learnt how to segregate the dry waste. The Project Coordinator, Waste Segregation, MsJanakiMulay, also a member of the Mandal, demonstrated this process. This dry waste was then sent to a recycling unit at Nessai.  It was a successful campaign wherein volunteers also interacted with local people
