Students’ Seminar and Paper Presentation Competition

The importance of research is growing as fast as the rapidly changing and challenging world. The main purpose of research is to get deep into the topic so that something helpful can be churned out which can be used by everybody. Keeping this in mind, and with a view to inculcating hands-on ability and practice in research, the Department of Commerce and Management organised and successfully executed a Students’ Seminar and Paper Presentation Competition on the topic Recent Issues and Developments in Commerce. Four students along with two guiding Teachers were grouped to exchange knowledge and train students so as to help them gain experience and confidence in the area of Research work.

The programme started at 9 am with a brief introduction by the Coordinator Dr.ShamiPai, followed by the welcome address by Vice Principal of the college Dr. Rodney D’Silva.

Two students Ms. Riya and Ms. Ipshita were the comperes for the programme. Student volunteer Ms.Trupti introduced the esteemed invitees and the judges Ms Priya Ambe Senior Teacher, Manovikas High School, Margao and Mrs. Pooja Prabhudessai, Assistant Professor, CES College, Cuncolim Goa.

The paper presentations were divided into 7 sessions aligned as per numbers assigned through lot system.  Each session was given a maximum time limit of half an hour. All the groups efficiently adhered to timing and finished well before time. The first session began at 9:15 and all of them were completed by 1:00 pm. The order of the conduct of sessions was

Session 1

Impact of Digitization on the Level of Corruption

Team Members:
  • Leandra Antao
  • Jane Fernandes
  • PriyaHegde
  • Daisy Fernandes

Guidingteachers: Ms PrachiKolamkarAnd Mr SandeshGaonkar

Session 2

Digitisation and Small Vendors: An Empirical Study in the Commercial Capital of Goa

Team members:
  • NeebhaGhodge
  • Amily Gomes
  • ShreyaRahate
  • KushiSuchak

Guiding Teachers: Dr Lina Sadekar& Ms RaashiPanvelkar

Session 3

Banking Frauds in India: A Case Study of SelectBank Frauds

Team members
  • Megan Fernandes
  • Devika C.C.
  • Devendra Prasad

Guiding Teachers: Dr Edwin Barreto&Mr GajananHaldankar

Session 4

Impact of Frauds on the Indian Banking Sector

Team members
  • Lisa D’Souza
  • Christine
  • Kanifa Cotta
  • SrishaMalkarnekar

Guiding Teachers: Dr Rodney D’Silva&

Mr Ainsley Bernard

Session 5

Impact of Bank Frauds on Shareholders’ Wealth: A Case Study of Punjab National Bank

Team Members
  • Tess Fernandes
  • RajuGupta
  • Ganesh Kumavat
  • DaminiAchari

Guiding Teachers:  Dr Maithili Naik&

  • Ms SayleeKuncolienkar
Session 6

A Study of Bank Frauds and Preventive SecurityControls in the Indian Banking Industry

Team members
  • Bharat Kamat
  • Kevin Silveira
  • SaloniPattanshetty
  • Sakina Shaikh

Guiding Teachers: Ms PrekshaChopdekar& Dr MadanantNaik

Session 7

Digitisation Aids and abets in Higher Education

Team Members
  • Bhakti Gosalia
  • Trevon D’Souza
  • YakshitaVengurlekar
  • Runal Thakur

Guiding Teachers: Dr SheetalArondekar& Ms Marjina Shaikh

Each session had a discussion round with the judges before its closure. The above paper presentations were a learning experience for the students and were also a boost to the confidence of two presenter members of each group. After the presentation, both judges shared their views and comments and offered some tips to the students.

Dr Rodney D’Silva, Vice-Principal, began the valedictory function by greeting all participants, the judges and the Valedictory Chief Guest Dr.I Bhanu Murthy, Former Principal of theCollege.  In his valedictory address, the Chief Guest stressed the importance of research and encouraged students to inculcate research aptitude.

At the end, the compere announced the results and declared the names of winners. The three winning teams were awarded certificates and cash prizesat the hands ofDr.Bhanu Murthy.

Winners list

First place – Rs. 3000

Impact of Frauds on the Indian Banking Sector

Team members
  • Lisa D’Souza
  • Christine
  • Kanifa Cotta
  • SrishaMalkarnekar

Guiding Teachers: Dr Rodney D’Silva&

Mr. Ainsley Bernard

Second place – Rs. 2000

Banking Frauds in India: A Case Study of SelectBank Frauds

Team members
  • Megan Fernandes
  • Devika C.C.
  • Devendra Prasad

Guiding Teachers: Dr Edwin Barreto&Mr GajananHaldankar

Third place – Rs. 1000

Digitisation and Small Vendors: An Empirical Study in the Commercial Capital of Goa

Team members:
  • NeebhaGhodge
  • Amily Gomes
  • ShreyaRahate
  • KushiSuchak

Guiding Teachers: Dr Lina Sadekar& Ms RaashiPanvelkar

The Secretary of the Commerce Club, Mr IvinPereirapresented the vote of thanks, which was followed by the singing of the National Anthem and ended with lunch.
