Student Exchange Program

Students and faculty of PDEA’s Waghire College, Saswad, Pune, Maharashtra visited the College for three days from 13th to 15th January, 2020. This program was a part of the initiative taken by the two colleges to sign an MOU for student exchange and other academic activities. Four students- Mr. Pawar Gaurav Shantaram, Ms. Navale Priyanka Rajesh, Ms. Kamthe Snehal Pandurang and Mr. Kumbhar Suraj Harishchandra accompanied by Vice Principal Waghire College – Dr. Satish Bongane, visited our college. All visitors were from the Department of Commerce. The visit was coordinated by Dr. Rodney D’Silva, Vice Principal and Dr. Vishal Chari.
Day 1-13th January, 2020
Principal, Dr. Prita Mallya welcomed students and faculty of Waghire College. She spoke about the importance of such programs in understanding and developing academic and cultural backgrounds of students from the two States. Students and faculty from Waghire College then introduced themselves. Dr. Rodney D’Silva proposed the Vote of Thanks.The studentvisitors and their faculty memberinteracted with our students.During the evening they were hosted for dinner by the ICCR (Afghanistan) students of our college, who gave them a taste of Afghan food.
Day 2 -14th January 2020
Dr. Satish Bongane conducted lectures for students of FYB.Com C division and TY B.Com Accounting students. The Waghire College students made a PowerPoint presentation on Maharashtra’s economy, food and culture. During the evening they visited churches, temples and they also visited Lokutsav in Panjim. FY B.Com student Shreya Rivankar hosted lunch for the guests and served them Goan vegetarian food.
Day 3 -15th January 2020
On the last day, an entertainment program was conducted by our student volunteers and students of Waghire College, which included songs, dance and games. After the Valedictory function,the student visitors gave feedback about their visit.They had a pot luck lunch where they ate dishes brought by several staff members. In the evening they visited Goa Citra Museum where they got to see Goan traditional lifestyle. Senalda Lopez student of FY B.Com C hosted dinner for the guests and served Goan non-vegetarian food.
The visitors left with happy memories.
