Sports Meet 2017-18

Vidya Vikas Mandal organized a 2-day Annual Sports Meet on 15th & 16th December 2017 at 3 MTR, Navelim. There were around 500 participaDSC_0333nts from the three institutions viz. Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, G.R. Kare College of Law and RMS Higher Secondary School.

The Inaugural Ceremony was held on 15th December 2017 at the hands of the Chief Guest Commanding Officer Col. Gurnaam Singh, in the presence of Subedar Major Vijay Raj, Chairman of Sports Governing Council, Mr. Vikram Verlekar, Prinicpal of G.R.Kare College of Law Dr. Saba Da Silva, Vice Principal of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics Dr. Sanjay P Sawant Dessai and RMS Higher Secondary Principal Mr. Alvaro Abranches.

The occasion was graced by the performance of students’ band of Vidya Vikas Academy and the March past by NCC cadets along with a few volunteers of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics.

The Valedictory Function was conducted on the 16th December 2017, presided by Smt. Sheela Gaunekar President Vidya Vikas Mandal, alongside the chief guest Commanding Officer Col. Gurnaam Singh, Subedar Major Vijay Raj, Chairman of Sports Governing Council Mr. Vikram Verlekar.

VariouDSC_0054 - Copys sports events were conducted for students and a couple of games were conducted for the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. Prizes were awarded to all the winners of various events held at the annual sports meet. Shri. Sudhakar Naik, College Director of Physical Education & Sports was presented a memento for his excellent service towards the institution.

The Best Sportsman Award 2017-18 was shared by Mr. Shivam Mishra and Mr. Subhodh Rivankar. The Best Sportswoman Award 2017-18 was bagged by Miss Quinsha Fernandes

The event was a great success under the leadership of Chairman of Sports Governing Council Vidya Vikas Mandal, Mr. Vikram Verlekar.


1) 1500 M run Subodh Revankar Shubham Salunke Ajay Mayekar
2) Hammer Throw Sohail Islam Vishnu Rasur Rajdeep Dessai
3) 100 M Sprint Ganesh Harijain Fanslam Correia Pritam Patil
4) Javelin Throw Mohammad Imran Melvino Fernandes Freddy Fernandes
5) 800 M run Subodh Revankar Nausabh Mulla Ajay Mayekar
6) Discuss Throw Abhishek Vernekar Bonrich Noronha Vishnu Rasur
7) 200 M run Shivam Mishra Nausabh Mulla Rakesh Malage
8) Shot put Vishnu Rasur Sohail Islam Abhishek Vernekar
9) 4x 100 M Relay Nausabh Mulla

Shivam Mishra

Ryan Furtado

Rakesh Malage

Ganesh Harijain

Shubham Salunke

Subodh Revankar

Hussen Khan

Fardeen Shariff

Chetan Pavankar

Swapnil Naik

Pritam Patil

10) 4x 400 M Relay Ganesh Harijain

Shubham Salunke

Subodh Revankar

Hussen Khan

Shivam Mishra

Mohan Naik

Pritam Patel

Rakesh Malage

Alistair Costabir

Daniel Fernandes

Jagdish Kaiwar

Bonrich Noronha

11) Tug of War Kare College of Law RMS Higher secondary Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics.
1) 100 M Sprint Emilia Silveira Rohini Sutar Sarita Sathe
2) 800 M run Quinsha Fernandes Pratiksha Naik Gayatri Naik
3) Discuss Throw Kiran Fernandes Renuka Kumbhar Devika CC
4) 200 M run Emilia Silveira Sarita Sathe Pratiksha Naik
5) Shot put Shruti Chanekar Pooja Mehta Kiran Fernnades
6) 4x 100 M Relay Pooja Mehta

Quinsha Fernandes

Rohini Sutar

Velona Da Silva

Emilia Silveira

Pratiksha Naik

Sanila Shirodkar

Vrunali Prabhu

Panchami Bandodkar

Gayatri Naik

Hafizah Shaikh

Barsa Maze

7) 4x 400 M Relay Rita Sen

Gayatri Naik

Hafizah Shaikh

Barsa Maze

Priya Pai Vaidya

Riya Pai Vaidya

Sandhya Mangalwadkar

Sarita Sathe

Quinsha Fernandes

Rohini Sutar

Yamini Powar

Komal Swami

8) Tug of War Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics Kare College of Law RMS Higher Secondary School

