Special National Integration Camp- RDC

DGNCC organized SNIC-2024 Prime Minister’s Rally   Kartavyapath, New Delhi, from 17th to 28th January 2024. The purpose of this camp was to integrate the culture of 17 Directorate of States and to perform in the Prime Minister’s Rally on 27th January 2024.PO Cadet Vaishnavi Borkar of NCC Naval wing of the College was the only girl cadet to represent Goa at the Special National Integration Camp, Delhi

The camp took place in Sundarjung at Delhi. Everyday cadets of 17 different Directorates were trained at Cariappa Parade Ground by professional choreographers for their grand performance in front of PM Shri Narendra Modi. Cadets from distinct cultural backgrounds came together, fostering the spirit of unity amidst diversity. The camp provided a platform for cultural exchange.

As a cadet of Karnataka and Goa Directorate, Vaishanvi Borkar performed Nandi dhawaja kunita and Pooja kunit (cultural programme) at Prime Minister’s Rally -2024. They were deeply honoured and filled with pride to showcase the vibrant blend of our rich culture. Vaishnavi passed through the following camp phases of RDC from August 2023 to January 2024.

RDC -I   10 -19 Sep 2023

RDC-II  20 -29 Sep 2023

RDC-III 30 Sept – 9 Oct 2023

IGC -20 Oct 2023

ATC – 02 – 09 Nov 2023

Pre RDC-l 10-19 Nov 2023

EBSB Bellari from 8 to 15

17 Jan to 28 Jan 2024 SNIC Delhi
