Special Booster Dose Vaccination Camp

The Directorate of Higher Education, Govt of Goa, recently issued a circular instructing all Teaching and Non-teaching staff to be vaccinated with the booster dose.

As a staff welfare measure, the College Office arranged for a Special Vaccination Camp in the College premises for all the staff. Staff members of other Vidya Vikas Mandal institutions – G R Kare College of Law, R M Salgaocar Higher Secondary School and Vidya Vikas Academy – were invited to take advantage of the opportunity

A three-member team from the Urban Health Centre, Margao, visited the College from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday, July 23, 2022 for the Camp.

82 VVM staff members took the booster dose during the Special Camp. The break-up was

Shree Damodar College – 39

Vidya Vikas Academy – 29

R M Salgaocar Higher Secondary School – 06

G R Kare College of Law – 8
