Soft Skills Training

IMG-20171007-WA0001The Career and Placement Cell of the College organized training on Soft Skills for Third Year Students of B.Com, BCA , BBA(FS) & M.Com. The training session was from 14th August to 22nd September 2017.

A Certified Trainer from Impact Training Solutins Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva conducted 4 sessions of 2 hours each of Soft skills training on the following topics.  Session 1 was on Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management & Self Control, Session 2 on Time Management & Stress Management, Session 3 was on Self Motivation, Taking Initiative, Enthusiasm & Attitude and Session 4 on Taking Ownership & Responsibility and Leadership Skills.

IMG-20171007-WA0002A Total of 200 students attended the training session as follows Batch1 students of  TYBCOM A & B attended the sessions from 14th to 18th  August, Batch 2 of  TYBCOM C & D students attended from 4th to 7th   September, Batch 4 of BCA students from 12th to 15th  September 2017  & Batch 3 of BBA(FS) & MCOM from 19th to 22nd September.

Overall, the entire module was informative, interactive and enthusiastically received by the students. We are thankful to the resource person Mrs. Caroline Stewart Silva for organizing the training programme and for the smooth conduct of the sessions.
