Shree Damodar College Staff on COVID-19 Duty

When the second wave of the pandemic was at its peak 12 staff members of Shree Damodar College were posted on COVID-19 duty by DHE under section 65 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 from 06th May till 14th June. The staff members were allotted duties at the Private Hospitals, Vaccination centers and Call centers.

Following is the list of staff on duty:

1. Horizon Hospital, Margao:  

Dr. Edwin Barreto, Coordinator

Ms. Amba Prabhu, Counselor

Ms. Samiksha Vengurlekar, Nodal Officer

Mr. Punarva Prabhu Dessai, Nodal Officer

Mr. Mahadev Gol, Nodal Officer

2. Victor Hospital, Margao:   

Ms. Lizette D’ Costa, Jt. Coordinator

3. Classic Hospital, Margao:    

Mr. Ainsley Bernard, Coordinator

Mr. Rahul Naik, Nodal Officer

Ms. Sarita Malvankar, Nodal Officer

Mr. Harish Borkar, Nodal Officer

Mr. Azzan Dias, Nodal Officer

4. Call Center for Home Isolation:

Mr Sandesh Goankar  (Shree Mallikarjun College, Canacona)

The coordinators were assigned the duty of visiting the PHC in their jurisdiction to make the necessary arrangements for the smooth roll out of the vaccinations for 18-45 age group. They also had to keep a check of vaccination status and the record of new infections in coordination with the ward Panch Members and Sarpanchs of village Panchayats in Salcete Taluka. Coordinators were also in charge of the Private Hospitals which were allocated for COVID-19 under the DDSY scheme.

Nodal officers were assigned duties in these Private Hospitals under the supervision of the Coordinators. These officers ensured seamless coordination with the hospitals admitting the COVID patients under the DDSY scheme. In case of any disputes regarding billing, the Nodal Officers would help resolve the issues.

The duty of the Counselor was to counsel the patients and their caregivers over the phone. If there were severe mental health symptoms, the cases had to be referred for expert consultation.

Mr. Sandesh Gaonkar was at the call center at Shree Mallikarjun College, Canacona; his duty was to allot the calls to other officials on duty and submit the report to Incident Commander/Nodal Officer twice a day. He had to call home isolated patients and take the updates of their wellbeing.
