Session on Usage of Java/J2EE and Frameworks in IT

The Department of Computer Science organized a session for SY BCA students on Usage of Java/J2EE and Frameworks in ITon 10th September. The Resource Person was Mr. Mahesh Matha, Asst. Professor in Computer Science, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science. 33 students attended.

The session began by Mrs. Sweta P.S. Verenkar introducing the resource person, mentioning his experience with students & professionals in IT over a period of many years of working in industry and academia. Mr. Matha highlighted the evolution of the use of Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Servlets and JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). Mr. Matha emphasized the use of frameworks like Struts & Hibernate and explained about both frameworks with an example of each using the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Students got an idea of exploring frameworks and implementing their future projects by choosing the right frameworks.
