The resource persons were the in-house counsellors of the VVM institutions:
- Amba Prabhu- College Counselor, Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics
- Archana Kurtarkar- College Counselor, GovindRamnathKare College of Law
- Gail Guia Rebelo- GEDC Counselor for RMS Higher Secondary School
- Jacinta Lavina Gomes- Health and Wellness Teacher- Senior, Vidya Vikas Academy
The session consisted of 2 activities and streaming of 2 videos.
Ms. Jacinta Lavina Gomes introduced the session and conducted the first activity that is ‘2 Truths 1 Lie’. In this activity, 4 volunteers were asked to state 3 statements about themselves, of which two were truths and one was a lie. The rest of the participants had to guess the lie. This activity focused on our habit of judging others.
After this activity, a video ‘The Tree’ was streamed. This video focused on teamwork, and the importance of every team member. Ms. Archana Kurtarkar explained the video and its relevance in belongingness.
‘We Are A Team’ activity was conducted by Ms. Amba Prabhu. In this activity, the participants were divided into groups of 3 members each. One team member had to cross a hurdle while blindfolded, with the help of instructions given by another team member. At the end of the hurdle, the blindfolded team member would find a piece of paper with three words on it. The team member then had to explain the three words to the third member of the team without actually saying the word and the third team member would have to guess the word. This activity focused on teamwork, trust, understanding and having faith in your team member.
Lastly, participants were shown a video on ‘Unity’. Ms. Gail Guia Rebelo explained the importance of unity, especially at the work place. After the video ended, Ms. Gail asked the participants to write one positive/happy memory and one negative/unhappy memory they had while working at VVM.
Once written, the participants were asked to tear up the negative/unhappy memory and dump it in the waste bin. The participants were requested to stick the happy memory on the chart paper signifying the importance of cherishing happy moments and letting go of the negative ones.
Ms. Grishmi Thakur, Assistant Professor and Member of the T&D Team proposed the Vote of Thanks. Feedback was collected from all the participants and showed how much they enjoyed and appreciated the session
The session concluded at 1:05 p.m.