The Resource Person spoke in detail about the symptoms of stress and explained symptoms of body, mind, emotions and behavior. She then went on to focus on the causes of stress. The causes of stress, usually known as stressors, were explained in detail.
Before moving on, there was a short quiz held for all the participants to recapitulate the discussion so far. All the participants enthusiastically answered all the questions in the quiz.
After the quiz the Resource Person spoke about the new studies and research conducted in the field of stress and its management. She spoke about fascinating findings that the researchers have found, and how these findings can help us deal with stress.
After the discussion on the research findings, she spoke about how we can deal with stress. She focused on things to avoid while dealing with stress. Then she went on to talk about things one should indulge in while dealing and coping with stress. She also demonstrated various breathing techniques for relaxation to deal with stress.
Lastly, she gave a few tips to help one deal with stress in a healthier way.
The session concluded at 12:10 p.m.