Session on Retail Marketing Mix

The Postgraduate Department of Commerce organized a session on “Retail Marketing Mix” for the students of the M.Com Programme on 15th April 2023. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Shailendra Veluskar, Partner at Kris Manufacturing Company.

Mr. Shailendra began the session by providing a comprehensive overview of the retail marketing mix and its importance in the retail industry. He highlighted the importance of the retail marketing mix in the current business landscape. By discussing each of the 4Ps in detail, he helped students gain a better understanding of how each element contributes to a successful retail marketing strategy.

Mr. Shailendra provided valuable insights into the retail industry’s marketing mix, emphasizing the importance of various factors such as product assortment, pricing strategies, store location, visual merchandising, and promotional activities. He used real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the practical application of these concepts, and the interactive discussions allowed students to ask questions and share their insights. Mr. Shailendra’s gesture of giving pens and t-shirts to students who answered the questions added a fun and rewarding element to the lecture. Overall, the session was highly informative and provided students with a deeper understanding of the retail marketing mix’s complex dynamics.

The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Sarthak Faldesai. A total of 40 students attended the session.
