Session on “Pursuing career in Journalism”

The Career and Placement Cell organized a session on “Pursuing a Career in Journalism” on 23rd August 2019. The guest faculty for the session was Mr. Shashwat Gupta Ray, Resident Editor of Gomantak Times. The prime motive of the session was to make students aware about the various career opportunities in journalism. The guest speaker began by explaining the importance of Journalism and the role of journalist. He said that journalism is the backbone and driving force of any country. He spoke on the UG and PG programmes in Journalism and mentioned the criteria required for enrolling in the said programmes. He also explained the various stages and tests and semesters involved. He threw light on the various career opportunities available in the field of journalism; he focused on broad areas like journalism in the field of mass communication, journalism in the field of films and journalism in the field of advertising and so on. During the Session, the resource person gave insights on the type of skill sets and qualities required for a journalist. The guest speaker was accompanied by a lady journalist, who briefed students on the role of women and spoke about females opting for careers in journalism. She emphasized that in the field of journalism there is no discrimination between males and females. The session was attended by 13 interested students. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by a student.
