Session on ‘Positivity’

The Counseling Cell of the College conducted a session on Positivity for all the non-teaching staff members of the College on November 26, 2020 from 2-3 p.m. The Resource Person was the College Counselor, Ms. Amba Prabhu. She spoke about the need to have a positive mindset especially now that we are faced with the pandemic.

She explained what positivity is and how it affects us, and the people around us. Positivity comes in all shapes and sizes and no one is compelled to do what the other is doing. She further explained that we need to decide on what makes us happy and hopeful and not depend on others to decide that for us. She spoke in detail about different positive emotions and asked everyone to think about how often they experience it.

She spoke about how positivity broadens our perspective of the world and opens up new opportunities and avenues to us.

Lastly, she spoke about the need to “Celebrate What’s Right in the World”. She also went on to show small snippets of a Ted Talk by Dewitt Jones (a professional photographer working with National Geographic) who spoke about his experiences and how he started looking at the world differently.

She ended the session with a question and answer session. She also requested the participants to share their views on positivity.

The session ended at 3 p.m. 22 Non-teaching staff members attended the session
