Session on MBA Entrance Exam

The Department of Management Studies in association with Training, Internship and Placement Cell organized a session on MBA Entrance Exams for all the students of the College from 12.15 p.m. to 01.15 p.m in class F407. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Malcolm Dias, Director at T.I.M.E. Institute Goa. 48 students attended the session.

The session commenced with a warm welcome by Asst. Prof. Omkar Pawaskar, who presented a potted plant to the esteemed Resource Person as a gesture of appreciation. Mr. Malcolm proceeded to enlighten the students about the plethora of entrance exams available for those aspiring to pursue an MBA.

During the session, he meticulously detailed the examination patterns and strategies to excel in renowned MBA entrance tests such as CAT and XAT. He also provided students with a practical understanding and solved a few sample questions, thereby imparting valuable insights on tackling the exams effectively.

Furthermore, Mr. Malcolm underscored the paramount importance of selecting the right business school for one’s MBA journey. He elucidated the numerous career opportunities that await graduates from esteemed institutions, emphasizing the transformative potential of a top-tier MBA program.

The session concluded with an informative discussion on the prospects that lie within prestigious international B-schools. Asst. Prof. Omkar Pawaskar was the faculty in-charge of the session.
