Session on “Leadership Skills”

As part of the Certificate Course in Life Skills, an online session on Leadership Skills was organized for the students of FY B.Com C and D divisions through the Google Meet platform. The session began at 12:00 pm and was attended by 57 students from both the divisions. Asst. Professor Ms. Marjina Shaikh was the compere for the session. The session began with Vice-Principal Dr Rodney D’Silva welcoming the virtual gathering.

The main objective of the session was to make students aware of what are the various leadership skills, why they are important, and how students can develop these skills.

The Resource Person was Mr. John Silveira, Coordinator, National Skill Qualification Framework, Goa and ex-student of the College. He highlighted the various attributes of a good leader and shared his own experiences with some good leaders. He encouraged the students to develop their personality and leadership skills by volunteering and taking part in various committees and activities in the College. He stressed that these skills are important for anyone who wishes to have a rewarding career. It was a very interactive and fruitful session. Asst Professor Pretty Pereira proposed the Vote of Thanks. The session ended at 1:15 p.m.
