Session on Guidelines for Paper Setting & Assessment

The Examination Committee and the IQAC organized a session on Guidelines for Paper Setting & Assessment to help teachers understand the importance of framing questions correctly and giving proper instructions in the Test/Examination papers. 44 staff members attended the FDP. The Resource Person was Dr. Russell De Souza, Assoc. Professor, Nirmala Institute of Education.

Dr. Russell began the session by explaining about the purpose of each question. He also told the teachers to focus on the reason why students learn what they teach. He mentioned that every student should know the course objectives so as to understand why they are learning. The resource person also focused on the learning outcomes of the course.

Dr. Russell explained in detail the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it should be applied while setting the question paper and assessment. He also guided the teachers as to how marks are to be allocated.

The Resource person selected a few questions from the previous year’s question papers set by the faculty members, pointed out the unclear and poorly designed questions and explained how they could have been framed appropriately. He stressed that unclear instructions or directions in the question paper are unacceptable, direct statements from the texts should be avoided and items must communicate a clear problem.

The session was very fruitful and enlightening.
