Session on Groups and their Impact on Organization

The PG Department of Commerce organized a guest session on ‘Groups and their impact on Organization’ on 6th April 2023, between 10:00 and 11:00 am. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Jervis Pereira, Founder of Digital Kwills and an excellent trainer, guide and motivator. The objective of this session was to encourage students to develop essential skills required in the workplace such as leadership, cooperative skills, and decision-making, by working in teams.

During the session, Mr. Pereira shared his personal experience of starting his own company and how he balanced multiple responsibilities while working. He also asked the students about their work experiences and internships. Mr. Jervis emphasized the importance of understanding the processes of the company we want to work for, especially in the case of MNCs. Mr. Pereira highlighted the importance of achieving certain objectives in order to progress within an organization, such as understanding the role of teams, what the organization needs, and one’s own role within the organization. Mr. Jervis used examples from sports and military teams to illustrate the importance of teamwork in achieving common goals.

The speaker emphasized the importance of exploring and utilizing the potential of individuals within organizations, and the significance of having a high-performing team that possesses qualities such as allocation of work, creativity, and trust. He also discussed how conflicts, lack of motivation, and miscommunication can negatively impact team performance. The example of Seal Team 6 demonstrated how effective teams operate and achieve success by utilizing these qualities. Finally, the importance of having clear goals was highlighted as a key factor in achieving success both within organizations and in personal life.

In the end, Mr. Jervis emphasized the importance of having a clear understanding of job descriptions and the required qualities for those jobs, especially for those who wish to work in companies after graduation. He then took some questions from the audience before the session came to an end. Miss Valerie, a student of M.Com-I, proposed the Vote of Thanks.
