Session on “Etiquette – The Winning Edge for Success”

The Life Skills Committee of the College organised an Online Life Skills Session as a part of 30 Hours Certificate Course for First Year BBA(Financial Services) Students on 21st December 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. using the Google Meet platform. The topic of the session was “Etiquette – The Winning Edge for Success”.

The learning objectives of the session were:

  • To introduce students to business etiquette
  • To familiarize students with dress and grooming in a formal set up
  • To explain the importance and the use of courtesy
  • To introduce e-mail etiquette, telephone manners and overall conduct at the place of work.

The resource person for the session was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Professional Life Coach. Assistant Professor Ms. Lizia V. Gomes welcomed the resource person followed by the introduction of the resource person by Ms. Sanchia Patricia Da Costa from FYBBA(FS) – B.

Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva commenced the session with a brief introduction on the topic Etiquette. She further provided an elaborate explanation on the following topics:

  • What is Etiquette?
  • The four magic words of etiquette
  • The importance of etiquette and manners
  • Types of etiquette (Social Etiquette, Corporate/Business Etiquette and Online Etiquette)
  • Why Social Etiquette
  • Common slip-ups we often make

The session also laid emphasis on etiquette in college, e-mails and cell phone etiquette, dress for success-women, and dress for success-men. She also narrated some examples of good and bad etiquette.

Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva concluded the session by stating that etiquette is about considering the feelings of other people, and being the kind of person that others will like and respect.

58 students attended the session. The session ended at 01:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Darren De Souza from FYBBA(FS) – A. The session was compered and coordinated by Ms. Lizia V. Gomes, Assistant Professor in Commerce. Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva appreciated the active participation of the students in the form of posing several questions and keenness to learn. The students appreciated the efforts of the resource person and they benefited immensely from the session. Overall, the session was very interesting and interactive.
