Session on Emerging Trends in DBMS

The Dept. of Computer Science organized a Guest Faculty Session for SY BCA students on Emerging Trends in DBMS on August 28, 2019. The Guest Faculty was Mr. Deepak Agarwal, Founder Svastek. The objective of the session was to make students aware of emerging trends in DBMS

Mr. Bhiku Bhave welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person to the audience.

Mr. Agarwal started with the basic concepts in DBMS. He provided insights into how it was done traditionally and how the world is now moving towards cloud databases. He explained all the concepts in layman’s language, avoiding technical jargon. Mr. Deepak spoke about MongoDB Cloud database, how to install it and execute different commands. He spoke about how data is stored in document format in MongoDB.

He also demonstrated the most use of DBMS over Internet, firebase and gave some working assignments which students can do as a part of subject.

He also spoke about opportunities in IT, more specifically with regard to Android development. He offered students internship in his company, provided they met some necessary requirements. The entire session was very interactive and students learned a lot.

Ms Akashada Hegde presented a memento to the Resource person and Mr. Bhiku Bhave proposed the Vote of thanks. 25 SY BCA students attended the session.
