Session on Digital Marketing

The Dept. of Computer Science organized a session on Digital Marketing Basics for TYBCA students as a subject expert lecture in Web Technology on Thursday, 19 September. The session began with Mrs. Sweta P.S. Verenkar introducing the resource person Mr. Sudhir Shetty. Mr. Shetty is CEO & Founder, Espressotive, who has to his credit, vast experience in Digital marketing for the purpose of Brand Development of companies, analyzing factors that have an impact on online portals to improve services of companies and brand names.

Mr. Sudhir Shetty began the session with examples of routine activities done on a smartphone which are actually beneficial to the world of Digital Marketing. Many real scenario examples from using a website on a smartphone to that in a browser window were analyzed from the point of view of how it can be marketed the digital way.

By way of interaction with the students about their purpose of using Technology, Mr. Shetty gave a clear idea of the terminology used in Digital Marketing for various tasks an individual does on his/her social media accounts, online portals, blogs, forums, reviews, advertisements, Google search, Gmail account linkage to YouTube and other websites.

Mr. Sudhir Shetty provided examples to understand all digital marketing terms, namely Google Adwords, Adsense, backlink, bounce rate, email marketing, influencer marketing, Click Through Rate (CTR), Cost per Acquisition (CPA), Cost Per Click (CPC), Impressions, keyword search, organic traffic, paid traffic and the importance of identifying a lead to a potential customer.

With regards to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mr. Sudhir Shetty elaborated on how a website can be optimized for search engines to refer to it more often when searches with various keywords are performed which are relevant to the website.

An example was illustrated showing how Google Analytics captures statistics with regards to a website. Importance of the appropriate keywords to be used in meta tag results in referring your website more often based on the keyword match. A Heat Map was shown to understand how exactly a user interacts with your site.

Mr. Shetty highlighted the benefits of Blogging, LinkedIn Account and usage of Google Maps in almost every other online portal. Hashtag and its benefits when search is performed for text or images were also covered in this session.

Students got an idea of what they need to do to make their website more visible to the world of Internet when search terms relevant to their website are searched. The feedback received by the students indicated their increased interest in the subject and they will be implementing a few of these ideas in their websites, which they are designing and developing during their course of learning the Web Technology course.

The session ended by a Vote of Thanks to Mr. Sudhir Shetty for an informative session. Dept. Head Mr. Sumit Kumar presented a potted plant to Mr. Shetty, followed by a group photograph of all 31 student participants with the faculty and resource person.
